Unpacking NAPLAN

Unpacking NAPLAN

Our Head of Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, compares NAPLAN data to national averages.

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Unpacking NAPLAN

With the recent release of state and national NAPLAN data, there has been a great deal of interest in the results this week.

As such, we thought it timely to provide some information explaining how our data at Cedar College compares with state and national standards. Here is a snapshot of important data comparisons:



Our results, specifically the mean or average score for each testing category, were above the state mean in 20 out of 20 categories for the eighth consecutive year. In terms of the national mean, our school mean was above the national mean in all categories for the fifth year in a row.

Cedar’s mean scores improved in 70% of categories compared to 2023. Mean scores in South Australia improved in 45% of testing categories, while across Australia, we saw improvement in 40% of testing categories compared to 2023.

79.49% of all Cedar student results were in either the ‘Strong’ or ‘Exceeding’ proficiency levels, compared to 65.38% nationally.

These results demonstrate that our students are performing exceptionally well in literacy and numeracy. It is pleasing to see that Cedar College students are attaining higher levels of proficiency than the South Australian and Australian averages, and the rate of improvement demonstrated between 2023 and 2024 is exceptional.

If you have any questions about our NAPLAN data, please don’t hesitate to contact Tim Maddern (Head of Teaching, Learning, and Innovation) at the College.


Mr Tim Maddern, Head of Teaching, Learning, and Innovation