School Policies
As a school, we are committed to developing, reviewing and maintaining our policies, to ensure clarity of communication while protecting the privacy of our school community.
The polices below are made available publicly. Should you have further questions please contact the school office via our contact page, and we will respond as soon as possible.
Child Safe Environments Policy
Cedar College acknowledges that every child has the right to be safe from harm at all times. This policy describes Cedar College’s Child Protection practices. Child Safe Environments Policy.
Download PolicyPrivacy Policy
Cedar College is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles to ensure proper management of personal information provided or collected by the school for educational purposes. Our Privacy Policy is available to download, and is also available from the Front Office.
Download PolicyParent and Student Compliments and Concerns Policy
Cedar College acknowledges that a concern represents an expression of dissatisfaction regarding a real or perceived situation, outcome, or decision. In upholding our commitment to transparency, we have implemented efficient resolution procedures to address and resolve parent and student concerns as quickly as practical. This proactive approach aims to foster a positive learning environment, ensuring that every concern is acknowledged and addressed to the satisfaction of all parties involved.
Moreover, parents and students may offer compliments to Cedar College by expressing their appreciation for various aspects of the school environment.
The principles and procedures for adressing and submitting compliments and concerns are outlined in the Parent and Student Compliment and Concerns Policy.
Download PolicyStandard Collection Notice
Our Standard Collection Notice outlines the information that we collect during the course of the student’s enrolment. This information is required in order to process the enrolment and continue the child’s education at Cedar College.
Download PolicyPrivacy Collection Notice – Employment
Our Privacy Collection Notice for employment outlines the information that we collect during the application for employment process. This information is collected in compliance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act.
Download PolicyUniform Policy
The Uniform Shop is situated on the Cedar College campus and supplies all of our uniform, including sports uniform (except shoes). The Uniform Policy outlines the uniform requirements for all students. For opening times and information visit the Uniform Shop page.
Download PolicyCode of Social Conduct
The Principals of South Australian Independent Schools are united in their conviction that parental interest, supervision and support are essential as adolescents seek greater freedom and independence. As such, the Association of Independent Schools of SA (AISSA) have developed a Code of Social Conduct. The guidelines both indicate general standards of conduct and offer specific advice to parents.
Download PolicyWebsite Data collection / Cookie Policy
When you use our website, having your cookies enabled will allow us to maintain the continuity of your browsing session and remember your details when you return. We may also use web beacons, Flash local stored objects and JavaScript. If you adjust your browser settings to block, reject or delete these functions, the webpage may not function in an optimal manner. We may also collect information about your IP address, although this may not identify you.
Top Stories
CedarNews is published fortnightly on the even weeks of school term, and emailed to parents/caregivers. They can also be read online using the links on this page. Some of our top stories from the Newsletter are published as separate articles, and are available to read below.