
Term 3 Week 7 – 2019

Term 3, Week 7 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL SPORTS NEWS SENIOR SCHOOL Term 3, Week 7 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Flight, Food and Future Energy The Primary School recently acknowledged the 100th anniversary of Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith's epic flight from England to Australia, in their Vickers Vimy aircraft. Up, Up and Away [...]

Term 3 Week 5 – 2019

Term 3, Week 5 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL SENIOR SCHOOL Term 3, Week 5 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Books, Science & Grandparents School life this term, has been filled with special activities for Book Week, Science Week, Grandparents Day and The Great Air Race centenary. Many Superheroes Our Book Week parade saw an abundance [...]

Term 2 Week 8 – 2019

Term 2, Week 8 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL MUSIC MIDDLE SCHOOL SENIOR SCHOOL Term 2, Week 8 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Halfway Already! If you’ve been thinking that the days are getting colder, shorter and darker, you are quite correct! Warm Your Soul We are approaching the shortest day of the year, in terms of [...]

Term 2 Week 6 – 2019

Term 2, Week 6 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL SPORTS MIDDLE SCHOOL SENIOR SCHOOL Term 2, Week 6 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Treasure Your Time As we head into a long-weekend, there's often the temptation to while away the extra time in front of the TV, or swiping through social media for the latest updates on [...]

Term 2 Week 4 – 2019

CedarNews Term 2, Week 4 FRONT PAGE NEWS & NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL SPORTS NEWS SENIOR SCHOOL Term 2, Week 4 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Many opportunities to Learn Our televisions, mailboxes, email, social media and stobie poles have been inundated with messages about the Federal Election, but this process is also a valuable learning opportunity. Learning for [...]

CedarNews – Term 1 Week 10 – 2019

CedarNews Term 1, Week 10 FRONT PAGE NEWS & NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL SENIOR SCHOOL Term 1, Week 10 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Busyness Before the Break It's been another busy term! Our final two weeks of Term 1 continue to be filled with activities such as camps and Interschool Athletics. But then comes the [...]

CedarNews – Term 1 Week 8 – 2019

CedarNews Term 1, Week 8 FRONT PAGE NEWS & NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL SENIOR SCHOOL Term 1, Week 8 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Connecting with Parents & Caregivers This week it's the Upper Primary's turn to enjoy the fun and colour of Sports Day. The day provides so many wonderful memories, and the opportunity for [...]

CedarNews – Term 1 Week 6 – 2019

CedarNews Term 1, Week 6 FRONT PAGE NEWS & NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL SENIOR SCHOOL Term 1, Week 6 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Halfway Through Term 1 We're halfway through Term 1 already, with some busy and exciting weeks ahead. Both the High School and Upper Primary are holding their Sports Days, and the High School [...]

Contact Cedar College

School Office: 08 8261 3377

School Address: 215-233 Fosters Rd Northgate, South Australia 5085.


If you'd like further details about enrolling your child at Cedar College please contact the Enrolment Office via our Enrolment page.

About Cedar College

Cedar College is a Reception to Year 12 co-educational independent Christian School, in the growing suburb of Northgate, South Australia.