
Term 3 Week 10 – 2020

Term 3, Week 10 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL SENIOR SCHOOL Term 3, Week 10 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Finishing Well As we finish off Term 3 and prepare for the busyness which Term 4 will undoubtedly bring, our prayers are with our Year 12 students as they prepare for exams and complete tasks, [...]

Term 3 Week 8 – 2020

Term 3, Week 8 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL SPORTS NEWS SENIOR SCHOOL Term 3, Week 8 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Unlimited Potential Over the last two weeks we have been meeting with our new Reception families for both 2021 and 2022, as we help prepare them for their school years ahead. We often talk about [...]

Term 3 Week 6 – 2020

Term 3, Week 6 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL SPORTS NEWS SENIOR SCHOOL Term 3, Week 6 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Spring in the Air The bursts of sunshine, and blossoms and leaves on the trees around the campus, tell us that Spring is about to begin! Simply taking some time to notice and enjoy God's creation [...]

Term 3 Week 4 – 2020

Term 3, Week 4 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL SENIOR SCHOOL Term 3, Week 4 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Stretching Develops Flexibility Term 3 seems to be moving at a rapid rate, and while circumstances have required some stretching, they have also developed a new flexibility within our school community. 2020 has certainly been [...]

Term 3 Week 2 – 2020

Term 3, Week 2 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL SENIOR NEWS Term 3, Week 2 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Welcome to Term 3 While we are now headlong into a busy Term 3, we do still need to be mindful of the current health directives that apply. You would have no doubt noticed the [...]

Term 2 Week 8 – 2020

Term 2, Week 8 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL CAMPUS NEWS Term 2, Week 8 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Moving Forward As we head toward the final week of Term 2, the current hope is that Term 3 will look much more normal than the previous terms. Currently a number of COVID-19 restrictions are [...]

Term 2 Week 6 – 2020

Term 2, Week 6 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL SPORTS NEWS Term 2, Week 6 FROM THE PRINCIPAL In This Together It's certainly hard to believe that we are past the halfway mark of Term 2, and while the school calendar looks considerably different to usual, we are starting to see promising glimpses [...]

Term 2 Week 3 – 2020

Term 2, Week 3 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL BUILDING NEWS Term 2, Week 3 FROM THE PRINCIPAL A Different Kind of Normal With the majority of students having returned to the classroom for Term 2, there is a certain degree of normality around the campus, but we are still in very unusual [...]

Contact Cedar College

School Office: 08 8261 3377

School Address: 215-233 Fosters Rd Northgate, South Australia 5085.


If you'd like further details about enrolling your child at Cedar College please contact the Enrolment Office via our Enrolment page.

About Cedar College

Cedar College is a Reception to Year 12 co-educational independent Christian School, in the growing suburb of Northgate, South Australia.