
Term 3 Week 7 – 2022

Term 3, Week 7 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR SCHOOL Term 3, Week 7 FROM THE HEAD OF PRIMARY SCHOOL Growing as Leaders Week 6 and 7 have been a busy time for both the Primary and High School, with multiple events taking places, as well as our School Tours. Last week, [...]

Term 3 Week 5 – 2022

Term 3, Week 5 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL Term 3, Week 5 FROM THE HEAD OF PRIMARY SCHOOL Seasonal Adjustments We’re at the halfway point of Term 3 already, and the end of Winter is in sight! The rain and cold weather has certainly added to the challenges of excursions, [...]

Term 2 Week 9 – 2022

Term 2, Week 9 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL SPORTS NEWS HIGH SCHOOL Term 2, Week 9 FROM THE PRINCIPAL A Team Effort It’s hard to believe that we are halfway through the year already, as we head into the mid-year break. You may remember that the 2022 school year began with a mix of [...]

Term 2 Week 7 – 2022

Term 2, Week 7 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL SPORTS NEWS HIGH SCHOOL Term 2, Week 7 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Growing Community We held our School Tours on two rather chilly mornings during Week 6. Despite the weather, the visiting families were excited to find out more about the High School and Primary School. It [...]

Term 2 Week 4 – 2022

Term 2, Week 4 FRONT PAGE NOTICES CEDAR CARE SPORTS NEWS HIGH SCHOOL Term 2, Week 4 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Continual Development If you have been on the Campus recently, you would have noticed several changes taking place, often surrounded by bright orange bunting! One project currently underway is the new covered outdoor learning area [...]

Term 1 Week 11 – 2022

Term 1, Week 11 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL Term 1, Week 11 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Changes, Changes... We began this school term under the theme “Subject to Change” and that is certainly how things have played out, on many levels. Over the last eleven weeks we have experienced ongoing changes [...]

Term 1 Week 9 – 2022

Term 1, Week 9 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL CURRICULUM NEWS SENIOR SCHOOL Term 1, Week 9 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Learning through Conversations We have recently held Learning Conversations with families in the Primary School, as well as with our Year 12 families. The importance of these conversations cannot be overstated. Whether students are in [...]

Term 1 Week 7 – 2022

Term 1, Week 7 FRONT PAGE NOTICES PRIMARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL SENIOR SCHOOL Term 1, Week 7 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Time for Community Excitement has been building during the last few weeks, as both the High School and Upper Primary prepared for their Sports Days. Sports Days are always a highlight of the year. We’re [...]

Contact Cedar College

School Office: 08 8261 3377

School Address: 215-233 Fosters Rd Northgate, South Australia 5085.


If you'd like further details about enrolling your child at Cedar College please contact the Enrolment Office via our Enrolment page.

About Cedar College

Cedar College is a Reception to Year 12 co-educational independent Christian School, in the growing suburb of Northgate, South Australia.