A distinctly Christian school

Inspiring the next generation to Discover Jesus, Display Love and Develop Self. 

From the very beginning, the imagery of a tree has breathed life into Cedar College. Our school derives its name from Psalm 92 v 12-14 which says: 

“The righteous will flourish like the palm tree. They will grow like a cedar in Lebanon, planted in the house of the Lord; they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green.” 

This picture of a sturdy tree, flourishing as it is planted in the Lord, has been upheld as a vision of our learners; competent, capable, developing, and grounded by Christian faith. 


Preparing Students for Real Life

In outworking this vision in the lives of our students, we uphold the following three-fold purpose for our school: 

Discover Jesus – as the foundation for real life. Cedar College is a place where the gospel – the good news about Jesus Christ – is communicated in all aspects of school life.

Display Love through supportive community and genuine relationships. Cedar College is a place where we seek to follow Jesus’ example of love and where authentic Christian community is central to life.

Develop Self through high standards in education. Cedar College is a place for individual progress toward each one’s full potential.


A Growing Community

The location of Cedar College, spanning ten acres in the inner north-eastern suburbs of Adelaide, is testament to God’s favour and His missional purpose for our school.

Established as an outreach of CityReach Baptist Church – Oakden (formerly Oakden Baptist Church) in 1997 with 34 students, the school has experienced rapid growth in student numbers, facilities, and community impact. We are blessed with a school community from many cultures and walks of life, which adds to the vibrancy of our school family. As we continue to grow, we do so with the support of the CityReach Oakden community. 


Distinctly Christian

Remaining faithful to the founding mission of our school, to educate students in a distinctly Christian environment, continues to be a priority for all staff.

At every opportunity we encourage students to consider the Christian faith and participate in the spiritual life of the school through class devotions, chapel services, worship times and many other events. We uphold the Bible as the inspired word of God, the truth, and our full and sufficient authority. This biblical basis for our beliefs shapes the content we teach and the way we live our lives.

While Cedar College welcomes enrolment applications irrespective of religious background, it is expected that all student behaviours, actions and practices are respectful of the college’s Christian environment and consistent with the school’s ethos. This allows Cedar College to provide a supportive environment that reveals Jesus and calls students to follow Him.


One College, Four Branches

Cedar College is a member of Christian Schools Australia and the Association of Independent Schools of South Australia, with almost 900 students across the College campus.

The College comprises four ‘branches’, joined together and grounded in the same purpose: Junior Primary from Reception to Year 2, Upper Primary from Year 3 to Year 6, Middle School from Year 7 to Year 9, and Senior School from Year 10 to Year 12. These growing branches allow students to develop academically, spiritually, and socially, providing a College that offers a complete education from Reception through to Year 12.